Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Casual Fridays

For the first time in my life, I work at a place where they have casual Fridays. The only catch is that you have to pay $2 towards the Cancer center if you want to wear jeans... I think I paid $2 for my last pair of jeans.

I just completed my second day and things are going great. I am still overwhelmed with all of the new information, but I had a really good time today. I am working for the hospital in town. I am actually shocked that I enjoy it so much. I was happily collating papers this morning while a tech was telling me how excited he was to go see the midnight showing of Harry Potter, and I was just grinning like a moron. There are, of course, some things that I think might be difficult in time, but I love the interaction with people and the quick paced environment.

The strangest thing for me is that I have no access to the internet at work. It now makes total sense why everyone has a blackberry or iphone. There is free wireless everywhere so they can all surf the old "I" net on any of their breaks. soooo jealous....


Courtney said...

Isn't wearing jeans to work the best!

ps: I'm not gonna lie...I watched the last two Harry Potter movies on Sunday and now I am super pumped to see the new one!

pps: I have a dirty crush on Daniel Radcliffe. EEK!

IT Houston said...

Casual day is everyday in my line of work!. You should just take a laptop to use the wireless too!

Reido Bandito said...

don't worry, I'll the internet warm for you while you're away

Reido Bandito said...


Reuben Sinnema said...

Cool! Ya know some folks call a blackberry a crackberry because they're like really addictive berries...or something.