Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Goals and Such

Inspired by a friends comment, I have decided that I need to reassess why I do what I do. In order to be successful in life, I need to have goals and not just slog through each stage of life hoping to survive. These goals are just the beginning and not comprehensive by any means, just some that I threw together before my daughter wakes up.

I stole many of these goals below from another blog... but carefully edited out certains ones that didn't fit my personal credo, such as "eat healthier", and "try a new board game every month". I am a committed Dominion player. Don't even mess with me. Unless you are Jenn K. Then you will destroy me.

  • Go on a family outing every month this year.
  • Have family prayer every day.
  • Go camping two times this year.
  • Read a book every month.
  • Play a new game with your family twice a month.  (Good thing we post new games every Friday!)
  • Count to five and think about what you are doing before you get angry.
  • Call a good friend each week.
  • Make someone in your family smile every day.
  • Clean the house every Thursday so I don't have a panic attack.
  • Go hiking each month as a family.
  • Walk the dog. Anywhere, for any amount of time.
  • Eat less.
  • Spend less money.
  • Commit to less busyness.

  • Are there any I forgot?


    Shelley L. Houston said...

    Love God and enjoy Him.

    Shelley L. Houston said...

    Kiss that baby 100 times a day!