Friday, December 18, 2009

Addictions are the new black... right?

Here is a personal blog post about me:

My name is Brielle and I'm an addict.

There is a reason that I don't smoke. Actually there are a couple. My Da has spent the better part of his life scanning peoples hearts who have smoked and it's not a pretty sight. My Mama always said that I came from a long line of addicts so be careful. I tried, Mama.
So I don't smoke. I actually think that if I did take up smoking, I would never stop. Not even if I wanted to more than anything. If you popped open my coffin at the end of my life, you'd see me with a pack of cigarettes. Yeah, so I don't smoke.

In place of that addiction, I have chewed my nails for the last 20 years. So bad that at times I needed band aids. Now THAT is a nasty addiction. I finally, and perhaps in honor of my 26th birthday party last week, have stopped chewing my nails. I still nibble a bit here and there but between Matt helping me and working around people who have the black lung everyday, my nails are no longer on my endangered species list.

Here I'm talking myself up a bit so that I can fall so hard. There are a few other things that I'm addicted to like coffee (not a big surprise), black licorice... And now I have one more thing to add to the list. HBO's sordid vampire series, True Blood.
I'm not proud of this, nor would I recommend the show to anyone(one last thing in my defense, at least it has REAL vampires in it!). Matt and I got it on DVD from the rental place and watched the whole season in 2.5 days. That was a week ago and I can't stop thinking about it. When I was at work, which is usually crazy busy, I would just stare at the computer screen during down time and think about the show. A few times when I was snapped back to reality I realized that I had goose bumps. I can't sleep, I don't want to go out, I keep googling season 2's DVD release date and here's the worst part: I watched the actor's interviews at the ComicCon on YouTube. I may need to just check myself in to an institution. Thank you all for listening


Reido Bandito said...

Oh yes...True Blood. I watched the first season in about the same amount of time, a few weeks ago. For a second I even thought about reading the novels that the show is based on. (That idea didn't last). I think the whole "Southern Gothic" motif is very addicting when done well.

Bonnie said...

what a great post! I don't know about True Blood, but will soon find out! Bri and i just finished all the (netflix available) seasons of Lost. We were big time addicted too--i was having dreams and thinking about it in my spare time!