Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Top Ten of last Wednesday to This Wednesday

... in chronological order:

1: Chelsea's birthday party and Daniel's full backyard bar

2: Rafting on the Deschutes River with the awesome people I met from Kory's church

3: Sharing a sleeping bag with my dog, Jackie, as we camped under the stars next to the river

4: Absorbing 600% of my normal dosage of vitamin D on the river while wearing my "inappropriately short shorts" that I bought from Ashley's shop that I LOVE!
(as seen here)

5: Ordering my first 32oz beer at a diner called Calamity Jane's in Sandy, OR. (don't worry, Matt helped me with the consumption part)

6: Baking lots of whole wheat bread on Sunday

7: Spontaneous Sushi takeout with Dave, Jodi, and Cole. mmmmm......

8: Mariachi bands downtown McMinnville, this town is awesome

9: Margaritas shortly before music practice. mmmhmmm.. loosen up those vocal chords...

10: Cameron and Crystal over for dinner after a year and a half!


Courtney said...

32oz!....that is a whopper!

Laurel said...

that sounds like a great 7 days.

Reido Bandito said...
